I've just returned from MG2014 NAMGBR. Several of the Midget and Sprite
folks were wondering when the next spridget event would occur.
Unfortunately, none of us had an answer. But we all agreed that it was
much more fun than the event we were currently experiencing. I'd love to
have a return to Elkhart Lake, but whenever you try to recreate an event
you risk failure by direct comparison, and you risk over burdening the area
organizers. There was mention of doing an add-on style event, and the best
opportunity in the near future might be MG2016 event. It is a huge
multi-registry event that is expected to draw 1300+ cars. With a little
creativity we may be able to "piggy back" onto this event and still have a
community feel.
Just thinking out loud here. Feel free to comment... or not.
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