Nope. Those pics are of Walter (?) when WST had it for sale. That IS
Peter driving Walter at a 50th celebration of the Sprite at Elkhart
Lake, WI in 2008. That's on the Old Track that those of us who made
it last summer, toured.
No, the one that is down the road from me less than a mile has been
sitting on the trailer for 20 years or so. It gets a new tarp every
few seasons, but usually a month or 2 late. Sad, really. Haven't met
the owner, though I've seen the back of his head through the picture
window I was knocking on while he ignored me watching TV.
Many have asked..... it sucks.... actually... it ROTS.
Peter C
At 07:36 PM 1/18/2012, uniquelittlecars at wrote:
>So i take it these are old pictures
>--- On Wed, 1/18/12, Woerpel <dwoerpel at> wrote:
>From: Woerpel <dwoerpel at>
>Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Peter Egan's Bugeye racecar update....
>To: spridgets at
>Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2012, 3:10 PM
>Pictures!!??? Buy the dang thing!
>On 1/18/2012 4:17 PM, Peter Caldwell wrote:
> > .... didit didit didit... dateline Madison, WI
> >
> > It is still rusting away on a trailer with the tarp mostly blown off
> > and filling with snow...
> >
> > Year 20 or so.
> >
> >
> > Peter C