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Re: [Spridgets] Fuel line question

To: "Curt/Nancy Arndt" <cnaarndt@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Fuel line question
From: Linda Grunthaner <grunthaner@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 03:21:49 -0700
Thanks List for clarification on the unobtainable parts both male & female
gas tank parts. I emailed the link Curt sent as to buying that male fitting
but haven't a reply yet. If this is unobtainable why would AH Spares have
it? Being it is a Wintworth thread why hasn't some company come up with a
retro-fitting by now especially being that they are raced? If unobtainable
what is this that Curt sent?


Also I emailed Brooklandsmg as per a memo sent via a UK member on Early
Spridgets on Facebook and I'll keep all informed. I just don't understand
why this would be so difficult to obtain it is only brass and cut threads?


On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 6:08 PM, Curt/Nancy Arndt <cnaarndt@gmail.com>wrote:

> Linda & Fellow Listers,
> Most pipe threads on British cars of this vintage are Whitworth threads,
> British Standard Pipe (Parallel) to be specific.
> Try "AH Spares" in England...
> http://www.ahspares.co.uk/Default.aspx
> They have exactly what you need.
> http://www.ahspares.co.uk/en/products/default.aspx
> * [image: Add To
> *
ac0-46b3-8282-a9bb8505fe87> BRASS
> UNION-fuel pipe olive 948CC-1098CC #1.85 28A
> Cheers,
> Curt
> On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Linda Grunthaner
>> List
>> I have been very reluctant to cut my original steel fuel line in my 62
>> Sprite "Pinky" but I'm finally getting around to installing the Facet
>> elect
>> fuel pump in the rear for the 1275 engine and I think I want to just keep
>> the line in tact for future use and install a copper line like most have
>> done but I can't find the small nipple for the line, I can buy copper at
>> the
>> plumbing store for 1/2 the price Victoria British is selling the kit for
>> so
>> all I need is the threaded nipple. Can someone tell me where I can get the
>> threaded nipple that goes on the copper line and then screwed to the tank
>> as
>> seen the image in Vicky's link (see bottom of page below)? Or is it just a
>> standard plumbing size or available at a FLAPS? Also correct me is the
>> female threaded part on the tank the unobtainable part or is it the male
>> nipple that I'm trying to locate? I could use the old nipple but want to
>> keep this one for later use.
>> Lin
>> http://www.victoriabritish.com/icatalog/sm/full.aspx?Page=61
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