OSh!t On The Farm
If you have enough miles on you, you'll remember "Made At Pinewood
Studios." Live And Let Die was filmed at Pinewood right around '72 or
'73. My little RWA was built in 72. But we're not going to live and let
it die. As a matter of fact we've rolled the RWA into Pinewood Garage to
"git-r-done.". Well, at least to get it running and rolling under it's
own power. Pinewood Garage, however, is not a garage but actually a
stand of pines on the farm under which the OSh!T On The Farm will take
place. Because I don't have a garage. Got a barn.. but with the tin roof
rusted nearly off, the pines have better coverage. Guess I could have
named it Tarpaulin Garage. In any case, it will most likely be a solo
OSh!t. Unless my brother with his welder and beer stops by.
The RWA hasn't run for at least seven years. My OSh!t goal? To have the
RWA running and on the road in 5 weeks, the first weekend of September.
I've got most of my parts. I think. Boxes of parts. Complete brakes,
front to back. Clutch hydraulics. All tune up stuff. No suspension
items yet. I've already had the radiator re-cored. Belts, hoses and even
a new water valve. I do though, need a new/old heater core housing or
repair it as best I can. All kinds of interior goodies. New front screen
and top. Weather strips and gaskets. I a$$ume the trans is good. May
need a clutch set. I don't know.
Th RWA is a solid car with some minor to moderate rust in the most
typical places. I'm not going for a "restore" at this time. I just want
to get it up and running so I can determine it's other needs. Besides,
the Mrs. is really anxious and "on me" about getting running. She wants
to ride in it. :)
Anyway, it's OSh!t On The Farm, or as we say down home, sh!t 'er git
off'n the pot. Wish me luck. Send beer. Or corn cobs..... gonna need
both, I reckon.
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