Shameless plug for parts for sale
Am cleaning out some parts I had bought for the new BE project and decided I
am not going in that direction and before I FleaBay them I wanted to see if
anyone on here is interested in any of them. First is a new Weber DCOE40
with the soft mount kit and an air filter. It is new and has been stored in
a bag BUT three pieces seem to have vanished (the spring clip which holds
the air filter element to the base and two of the mounting bolts for the
carb to manifold. I bought it quite some time ago and it has just sat in
the cabinet. Moss #222-440 $849.00
I want 450.00 for it. The DCOE 40 is for 948 and 1098 motors
More to come as I separate boxes out
Suggested annual donation $12.75