The car drove OK for about 30 miles. I then could not get it into any gear
after a stop sign. I was able to start it in 1st gear and by shifting
carefully got it home. It is more of a creeping, I can still definitely
feel a difference when I lift the clutch and it engages.
On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Kevin Valentine <>wrote:
> Steve,
> When you say the car wants to move, does it seem like the car is in gear
> and the clutch is engaged or does it just want to slowly creep forward with
> the engine running?
> If you haven't driven it in a year, the clutch disc is more than likely
> bonded to the clutch plate. This is easy to fix ;)
> Kevin V.
> Tuscarora, Pa
> On Jun 17, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Steven Guterman wrote:
> Now I am finding even with the clutch depressed the car wants to move. I
> was hoping it was a problem with the slave or master, but after crawling
> under the car and my wife pushing the clutch peddle I see good movement on
> the clutch fork.
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