i prefer to use a renewable resource....blown out truck tire innertubes
america's highways. the stuff is durable and plentifull. check out
the tire
store for junk tubes from thinner thickness rubber lawn trailer
tires or car
tires. free black gasket material forflat gaskets like wiper
chrome thingy's ,
lic. plinths, early car windshield post to body...oh the
uses are beyond your
belief! and remember the old hole punch you threw out
because no one punches
holes in papers for three ring binders anymore? well
it's a perfect size hole
for screw holes or a wire to pass through like in
the plate lamp plinth. the
punches came in diffrent sizes too! yeah i have
the ones my friends threw
out! another renewable resource! friends junk
they think is junk.....
From: Kitterer Bob <bkitterer@me.com>
To: Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: Mon, June 6, 2011 3:44:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] License plate
light, early cars
Make your own, it is easy. Find an industrial hardware or
materials store
(maybe auto supply) where you can buy 1/16 inch thick sheet
neoprene and pick up
a foot or two of material. Lay it out on a flat surface
and trace the plinth,
cut the material. You can make most of the flat
gaskets this way and the
material is better than what you get from most of
the suppliers. The windshield
plinth gasket is another place to do this.
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