I have to add that there is also heavy prejudice on the North Shore of Oahu
where the worlds famous surfing beaches exist . . from the Pipeline to
Waimea Bay.
The prejudice is palpable as it is directed at tourists, no matter what the
race. When we were there an Australian man was nearly beaten to death just
for being in the area. (It was in the local papers). It was said that he
was just walking along by himself in front of the area where the small
Catholic church exists above the parking for Waimea Bay. A gang of locals
decided to take their angst out on him.
I pride myself, having surfed the competition circuit for so many years when
younger, in terms of knowing how to walk and blend in "as much as
However . . if a gang of locals, including caucasians in the gang (which
being caucasian is not a factor as it used to be) is in a mood they can
still take their anger against tourists out on you.
We spent three days on the North Shore in the winter when the waves are
breaking 20 + feet watching the surfing activity.
(Me being too old and out of shape to paddle out in that stuff as I did when
I was in my early 20's.)
Just made me remember. . I was on my toes keeping an eye out for angst
amongst any group of locals that might be walking by.
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