The BIG energy companies have been working on wind power for decades. Think
about it. They are in business to make money. They know that there is a
finite amount of oil, coal and even natural gas. Knowing that, would they
just sit back and let their empires and fortunes die along with the natural
resources?? Of course not!
They long ago saw the potential to develop wind, solar and even wave power
and began working on making it cost effective so they could monopolize the
market on those commodities. That way, when we run out of the non-renuables
THEY will still be in business, making good money, and providing American
jobs. As I stated before, I worked for a BIG energy company as a
meteorologist in the 1970s. We were working on wind power projects and a LOT
of money was poured into it. My colleagues there tell me that work is
In short, if the technology were ready, those BIG energy companies would
have the market cornered and be selling it to you right now! The big wind
farms like those in Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas (that I know of) are OWNED by
BIG energy companies and they are largely developmental. Who else would have
the money to build them? They are not yet cost efficient but some day they
will be.
Meanwhile, lets have a government that artificially inflates the cost of
oil, coal and natural gas (through bureaucratic regulations and refusal to
allow development) to make the current high cost of wind, solar and wave
energy APPEAR more reasonable.
Yes. Let's do that. It makes good sense when you have an agenda rather
than a useful energy policy.
On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 9:02 AM, Kurt Appley <> wrote:
> I've been trying to avoid getting into this but just can't seem to!
> The main reason we have these big wind farms is so that people that drive
> by
> can get a warm fuzzy feeling that we are actually doing something positive
> about our energy future!
> Don't get me wrong---I'm in favor of wind energy but the real power [and
> problem!] is with the big energy companies.
> Of the many renewable forms of energy, wind isn't that great since it
> seldom blows at cost effective rates.
> Pete hit on the main problem though.
> Big energy taking out the small municipal power dams nation wide!!!
> Big energy got that way by being subsidised and with sweetheart deals.
> Making power in huge power plants and shipping it across the country with
> up
> to 50% transmission loss only makes sense if you are the big company that
> is
> benefiting from it.
> Put the true costs on big energy and there will be lots more renewables.
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Jim Johnson
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