I'd like to add that a friend made acquaintance with fellow in the fuel
blending business and was told that you have been getting a greater than 10%
blend for some time. Nobody checks and the alcohol is CHEAPER, or at least
has been. I believe that somewhere I got the information that a blend above
20% isn't harmful. A while back someone, I believe, on this list was happy
to see E 85 pumps because he could blend a mix that his high compression
engine would run on. [ Alcohol in--Octane up!].
Then, the subject of ethanol raising the cost of food!!!
Wake up people, inflation is running rampant because of the 2008 mess from
completely deregulated big banking.
The Fed has opened the spigot and that has made food produced in this
country look cheap to many around the world!! That has had a far greater
effect on prices than alcohol.