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[Spridgets] Bugeye/Frogeye Club..... 1098 10cc Motor for sale $50

Subject: [Spridgets] Bugeye/Frogeye Club..... 1098 10cc Motor for sale $50
From: jfishbein at snet.net (Jay)
Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 09:28:34 -0700 (PDT)
References: <BANLkTimryyz0ew338-FrbG7=gicKpwDv+A@mail.gmail.com>, <SNT124-W7B1E2108AC0A3649CDED2A5890@phx.gbl> <SNT124-W48FBE45B327DEC55490A23A5880@phx.gbl>
If anyone needs one in the CT area, I also have one for sale which was removed 
from an Innocenti Spider so it has the different engine series numbers but it 
otherwise identical to those in Spridgets.

Engine has been in inside storage and is not seized and was removed from a 
running car.

$100.00 - This includes helping you lift it into your boat.


From: John Felt <johnrfelt at hotmail.com>
To: spridgets at autox.team.net; bugeye at yahoogroups.com; 
sprite-midgetclub at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, May 13, 2011 11:11:32 AM
Subject: Bugeye/Frogeye Club..... 1098 10cc Motor for sale $50


I had a few people ask if I knew of any 1098 10CC motors for sale.  I saw one 
and wanted to let the group know, it is frozen but $50 sounds reasonable.

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  • [Spridgets] Bugeye/Frogeye Club..... 1098 10cc Motor for sale $50, Jay <=