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[Spridgets] Renewable energy (here I go, off-topic with y'all :)

Subject: [Spridgets] Renewable energy (here I go, off-topic with y'all :)
From: bjshov8 at tx.rr.com (BJNoSHOV8)
Date: Sun, 08 May 2011 17:00:46 -0500
References: <20110508143910.50CD51878A5@autox.team.net>
For over 20 years commercial users have been able to get lower electric 
rates at night than during the day.  In some of the buildings I have 
worked on they had large ice storage tanks underground.  Using the 
cheaper electricity at night they would freeze the water in the 
underground tanks, then during they day they would use it to cool the 

> I do not know if it is still true, but years ago I read we have an excess of 
> electric at night - good for some plug in cars!!

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