People can be jerks in this country also. I parked within a marked space about
a month ago to pick up a cup of coffee to take with me to my night shift, and
play off my free money in the slots. When I came out, there was a new Ford 150
parked crosswise directly behind me in the nearly empty lot. I did the polite
thing, and asked that an announcement be made for the owner to please move it.
After 15 minutes, they called for the hook, and learned that it would be two or
more hours, as there was a wreck on the Interstate.
I was by then due at work in 15 minutes, so I chose option "C", and put my
truck in reverse and pushed the Ford out of my way. Quite frankly, I don't care
how much damage my rear bumper and hitch did to his plastic fenders and door.
There were numerous marked spots that were actually closer to the door than I
was parked.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Guy R Day" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2011 2:47:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] An arrogance lacking in Spridget drivers
There is a little bit of a dichotomy in relation to this subject as people
in the UK, for some reason unknown want to park as close as possible to a
car similar to these and open their doors to bang on them. I have parked on
the empty, far side of a supermarket car park with a semi-decent car and
when I returned have had cars parked that close I could barely walk through
to reach to the door. The rest of that side of the car park remained empty.
I simply cannot understand the thought process behind this
If you park in a position to take up 2 spaces you tend to find others will
park within bays on either side and leave you in a position where you do not
get damage.
If my Sprite was as neat and tidy as some of those on the list I would take
up 2 places and reduce the risk of minor car park damage. I would suggest
it is not always arrogance but simply self protection.
However, taking up a disabled persons parking space(s) is simply wrong but
the use of a tyre iron to make the driver in a physical condition to
correctly use such a space may not be the right thing to do to cure this.
There was a local Police Officer who would abuse such parking areas whilst
going into a local store to get his free lunch but he stopped when
photographs appeared in the local press.
Guy R Day
Suggested annual donation $12.75