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[Spridgets] Gift Sprite.... 10 years after...

Subject: [Spridgets] Gift Sprite.... 10 years after...
From: 72spridget at gmail.com (David Lieb)
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 11:59:41 -0500
References: <201104250844186.SM01424@TOSHIBA-USER3.nosimport.com> <BANLkTi=Hkd5BPO31-fjL+xTCyYBr9W30KQ@mail.gmail.com>
> I can send you a roll of duct tape. ;-)  With that, and a case of beer, you
> can fix anything.

Duck tape is seldom the best answer to any question and beer is
generally an even more temporary answer than duck tape.
David L

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