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[Spridgets] Midget off to get respray

Subject: [Spridgets] Midget off to get respray
From: shop at justbrits.com (Shop at " Just Brits ")
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2011 17:58:16 -0600
References: <1101163355.2329063.1299622960899.JavaMail.root@sz0111a.westchester.pa.mail.comcast.net> <AANLkTi=zv87e37LLCPSs7T33Y2uam=vH1rFzSio+grjH@mail.gmail.com>
<< BTW somehow your emails have a bunch of letter "B's"
possibly for a space or something. >>

As near as I can tell without writing each person, those "B"s
are a *"benefit"* of using Comcast Mail !!  <F>

I have seen two [2] folks on this List but also several on 4 or 5
OTHER Lists !!  Seems logical that they are using the Mail Client
ON the Comcast.net site and NOT a stand-alone Mail Client such
as Mozilla's Firefox [like I use], Outlook [POS], Outlook Express,
[REAL POS], and others.

FWIW, FYI, YMMV, Blah-blah, & Yada-yada.  <G>


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