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[Spridgets] Personalised LBC plate question

Subject: [Spridgets] Personalised LBC plate question
From: shop at justbrits.com (Shop at " Just Brits ")
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2011 00:38:00 -0600
References: <1386682304.1602518.1298822011608.JavaMail.root@cl02-host03.dlls.pa.frontiernet.net>, , <950808033.1602542.1298822181050.JavaMail.root@cl02-host03.dlls.pa.frontiernet.net>, <BAY147-w570D1AE68208B2A72A503EB8DF0@phx.gbl>, <4D6A829D.1000202@justbrits.com> <COL117-W134148C91C2AAC9AAF56E5C2C10@phx.gbl>
WithOUT looking up the actual Statute, Brian.......

<< what is the difference between a personalized plate and a
vanity plate? >>

*_Personalized_ * plates are up to 6 letters FOLLOWED by a number,
up to five [5] letters FOLLOWED bu two [2] numbers, up to four [4]
letters FOLLOWED by three [3] numbers, and so on.
Fer instance I have   " AH BJ 7 " [= 7 digits - spaces count.] on my
Big Healey and " CINSB73 " on Cindy's Black Tulip MGB. 

*_Vanity_* plates are up to seven [7] letters & NO numbers.
Fer instance, legit example would be:      " SPRITE ", " MIDGET ",
" HEALEY ",  " SPM ", "EDKALER ", " SHOX ", " PPPETEP ", " DMH ",
And even something like " AH   BJ  " [= 7 digits - spaces DO count].  
Example *might* pass the "Good Taste Police" but I doubt it !!  LOL

OK <G> ????


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