Hose condition?
Brake hoses can wear and become like check valves, i.e. they allow the
brakes to grab and then hold them.
On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 8:30 AM, Mark Haynes <haynes386@netzero.net> wrote:
> OK guys,
> I rebuilt the tandem master in the BE this winter. Found out that it has
> 3/4" master (great, perfect for the discs). I referenced Gerard's treatise
> the 3/4" vs 7/8" masters, and was a bit confused when I found that I had
> same length pushrods as the drum brake (7/8") master that originally came
> of the BE. All of the holes were worn on the clevises, as were the pins, so
> matched the length of the pushrods I removed from the master, with those
> were laying about and in good shape, cleaned up the pedals and pedal box
> the BE (with pedal stop bolts!). Bench bleeding went well, installed the
> master, bled it out yesterday and took it for a spin.
> When the brakes warmed up, they started to bind. So much so that the car
> wouldn't move. Got a ride home, brought the van, my eldest AND TOOLS
> (DUH!)Backed off the pushrod as much as possible (so its as short as it can
> be), as well as the stop bolt, no luck. Opened the bleeder on the front
> caliper to relieve the pressure and all was good, towed home with no
> problems.
> Here's the question- How do I make sure that this doesn't happen without
> taking the car out of the garage? Is there a way to tell if the pushrod is
> adjusted too long, or is this trial and error? Should I turn 1/2" off of
> pushrod length to match what Gerard shows about the length? The brakes feel
> great now, just like the Spit when I was racing. Is the stop bolt position
> major factor, or just an end limit/ pedal positioner?
> I understand that this is due to the piston not coming fully out to expose
> relief hole in the master and allow the pressure in the front brakes to
> back down. Will this be evident in the garage if you pump the pedal and
> the car?
> Inquiring minds and annoyed spouses want to know....
> Mark Haynes
> HAN6L12779
> HAN5L8016
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