Are you kidding? I've already spent an hour with Google earth
planning out a local route. I am considering adding GPS tracking too.
On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Tim Collins <> wrote:
> At 05:20 PM 2/2/2010, Deikis, John G wrote:
>> Leno remakes Rendezvous in LA!
> Jay Leno suggests that every city has a "track" consisting of city streets.
> I've been thinking about that and am toying with the idea of making a
> Rendezvous / Leno "around town" type video. I live in a town bounded on the
> North and East by an expressway. To the South, Dow Chemical and to the East
> a river so I guess my track will be inside these boundaries. I've
> tentatively selected some business arteries as I want to stay out of
> subdivisions and off the X-way (and the river). And, Dow will impound your
> camera and take you to court if you make pics to close to their fence.
> I've been thinking about cameras and camera mounts for the Sprite, wind
> noise reduction, camera shake reduction, etc. - all with the "we tight"
> philosophy. I want to see the wire wheels and other dramatic shots and not
> the driver! Looks like the route might be 10 miles long.
> Anyone else crazy enough to do this too? (I didn't think so)
> 3 months and 8 days 'til the road insurance goes back on the Sprite.
> Tim Collins
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