Sounds cool Michael, how big are those Mango leaves?
On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 3:40 AM, <> wrote:
> Tomarrow we return from two weeks in HI. Most of the time has been taken
> up
> with dealing with my mother-in-law's medical problems, visiting with her
> old-lady friends, repairing things around the house, including a complete
> rebuild of a toilet, picking up ten 40 gal bags of mango leaves, etc. But
> today we spent two hours hiking in the mountains high above Honolulu. Not
> only was the weather perfect and the view of the valleys of Honolulu
> spectacular, but also it is strawberry guava (wai wi) season and the lower
> part of the trail was lined on both sides with ripe fruit. We picked and
> ate
> them casually as we walked along. It was almost worth raking all those
> leaves, sort of.
> We did see an apparently flawless MG TD in primrose yellow on the drive up
> the
> hill, the only LBC we saw the whole time.
> Michael Rowe
> '74 Midget
> '60 Sprite kit
> Long Island, NY
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