have your friend come over and weld a T-handle to him!
Have you tried the wax trick? I've never used it but many do..
On Jun 29, 2009, at 12:03 PM, David Booker wrote:
> Need some suggestions (or at least commiseration) on a problem.
> When I put the engine back in a couple weekends ago, my helpful
> friend noticed
> that one of the manifold studs was a bit low on thread. There was
> enough to
> work, especially considering that the others were all in good shape,
> but it
> was a bit lacking in thread out near the end. Anyway, he grabbed it
> with a
> pair of vice grips in an effort to remove it while my back was
> turned. He did
> not remove it, but he succeeded in rendering the stud completely
> useless byt
> stripping half the remaining threads.
> Since then, I have sprayed Kroil and/or Busty on the stud virtually
> every
> day. Have also tried gripping it with every Vice-Grip and every
> other toothed
> plier I own. I also tapped it on the end rather smartly with a
> hammer.
> Yesterday I resorted to the torch. (I had avoided this because of
> the nice new
> paint job on the engine) Heating it up made no difference either.
> The stud is
> now mostly sans thread and looking rather sad.
> Suggestions? Should I get my neighbor to come over and weld a T-
> handle onto
> the end for leverage or is that likely to just twist it off in the
> head?
> David Booker
> '71 Midget unfortunately still not back together
> Long Island
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