My wife had almost given up on getting my to fly to England since I HATE to
fly. This year I fianlly broke down and said I'd do it. She bought tickets
for September and planned an itinerary that included the stuff she wants to
see and the war and car museums that will interest me. Then, I find out today
that the Beaulieu auto jumble is Sept. 12th and 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She-who-must-be-obeyed quickly revised the itinerary to include it. Sweet!
Of course I've finished all the cars in the fleet and don't need much of
anything. A chrome piece or two for the face of a Morris and that's about it.
Oh well, at least I'll get to see the cars and dig through the boxes of bits I
won't be buying.
In addition to Blechley Park, British war museum, Gaydon, East Sussex Motors
and the Beaulieu auto jumble, anything else a WWII/Brit car nut should
include? Maybe I can get an autographed copy of Westlake1380's book.
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