Thanks, Mike. This is my fault for not catching this in testing!!
Okay everybody.... You can vote again REVOTE a word? Also,
until Mike places the links on the instruction section of the page you can
still look at the individual proposals by clicking on their names in the
voting table....
Again... Sorry for the confusion. If we were getting paid this would be
on-the-job-training. As it is, it's mostly my bumbling stupidity!
If you have problems and especially complaints, please let me know off line
and we will get it fixed....
Could be worse.... Could be the senate race in Minnesota ;-}
On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 1:43 PM, mike rambour <> wrote:
> Ok guys & gals,
> My daughter went home from work and switched off my firewall long
> enough for me to fix it.
> I have RESTARTED from ZERO the voting, sorry if you voted already, you
> will need to REVOTE.
> Assuming a shield made of newspaper is bulletproof, the new version is
> bulletproof.
> You can no longer hit "Refresh" and vote a second or third or ... time
> and at the same time I fixed hitting the back button so that no longer
> votes again. One last item is I have been asked to make the venues
> links on the results page like they are on the voting page and I will do
> that this evening, I am supposed to be at work after all.
> mike
> p.s. my fav Dilbert comic
> We made GREAT fun of this one at work, I never did save up for a minivan
> though, not that bad a programmer although after this morning it might
> seem that way.
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Jim - an unapologetic capitalist
"'Need' now means wanting someone else's money. 'Greed' means wanting to
keep your own. And 'Compassion' is when a politician arranges the transfer."
- Joseph Sobran
Support Team.Net