I have experienced the same phenomenon of installing new cylinders, shoes,
wedges, adjusters, and drums, only to find that I am blamed close to the end
of adjustment by the time my brakes are working properly. I don't think
there is a single answer. If there was that much wear on the cores, it
should be a bit more obvious to the naked eye. The wedges I put in were,
except for some minor wear, identical to the ones I removed. I have no
original shoes to measure what the lining thickness was supposed to be. No
one has wanted cores back on any of the shoes I have bought, so it could be
that manufacturing tolerances are off on the new shoes being built (must be
chinese steel, right Frank?). All I know is that I will have to get someone
to weld a bead on my next set. Hey Peter, is there an option for re-sized
David Lieb