David Lieb wrote:
> Some of us CAN get along with
> Chinese tools. At least most of the time.
David, I just bent 3/8 steel on my chinese brake trying to bend 1/8 steel.
I have 3 sets of chinese airhorns with bum compressors.
2 from wang freight, 1 was a gift from chink boys.
I have cases of nails and screws all rusty and all galvanized that need
to go down some chinks throat cause they are useless to me.
I will NEVER buy anything from ching chang freight again.
Ask my plumber what happens to chinese made valves in a year, they snap
off when you need to turn them off.
I built my reputation on QUALITY, a word the chinks just never heard of.
I will not buy any building materials at home cheapo and if I am on a
job I can pick out the crap plywood from across the room. And it's all
gonna bite them in the ass sooner or later. Sooner I hope because they
managed to put all the quality lumber yards out of business or forced
them to buy sub-standard nails, screws, tools, and hardware.
I have seen 1/2" galvanized bolts from HD in a deck ledger sheer off.
Dung forged steel full of impurities just like my brake.
But go right on buying the chinese stuff, somebody, certainly not me,
has to contribute to the US trade deficit.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ