You might recall me addressing the list in the past month about the jet
assembly connection to the float bowl.
My apologies for the repetition....
So, I got all the carbs and hoses all secured and snug this afternoon.
Battery charged, original dizzy back in place til the carbs can be called
And then I turned the key....
the fuel pump kicked on and I went to inspect....
The connection between the front jet assembly and the fuel float bowl was
leaking like a squirt gun.
I mean A LOT OF GAS.
So I shut down the works tried a few variations of the coupling set up to no
If it's not the location of the rubber washer (in front of or behind the
copper nut screw) -- it very well could just be the condition of the washer.
It looked a wee bit shredded. Could be either a poor seal or a bad seating
of the jet assembly hose. Dunno but I am putting off further deliberations
until the gas evaporates.
I gots the feeling the fun times are just begining.
Miles Herndon
(not Dale)
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