Thanks Peter for the tip. Took awile to get the vice grips just right but boy
oh boy. Peter said use vice grips and cut the fuel delivery way way down.
Had the engine smooth as silk at about 1500 RPM, good throtle responce etc.
etc. Man does that engine sound good. Have both carbs at 7 flats, seems about
right at the moment. But surely will have to go up a bit when I get a new pump
of the proper pressure, still blow by I am sure.
It is my humble opinion no matter what it said on the box that fuel pump
really puts out. Supose to be 2.5 to 4.5 is says but that is tooooooo much the
4.5 part anyway.
Now, guess over the next few weeks or so I decide on a proper fuel pump.
You guys can not immigian what a releif this is.
Now, what pump, elec. an orginal SU Moss 377-175 or the solid state SU 77295
or the little one 377-420 or something else entirely. Think thse carbs must
like about a pound or two max not 4.5 at all.
Whoo Hooo, back to the garage to work on the remaing carpet. Drivers side
front, the toughest one.