More news!
First, on the front main bearing cap: Remember, I had not marked the cap
properly so I was unsure how to replace it (left to right). Two folks emailed
saying to position the cap so the tangs on the bearings are on the same side.
One folk says they should be at opposite ends.
Well, it turns out that I suddeny remembered I had taken a digital photo of the
bottom of the engine (just to show my buddy at work what I've been doing over
Christmas). The photo clearly shows that the cap was originally lined up so
the tangs are on the same side.
(Of course somebody in the past may have also done screwed up, but hey.)
The tang position is apparently important as it helps prevent spinning the
bearing. If there is anyone out there who can explain the principle I would be
most grateful.
OK, so I've put everything back together. Added 4 quarts and a new filter and
rolled it forward in 4th gear with the plugs out. Yea - I can see the pistons
going up and down! Good so far. Cranked the engine on the starter - seems
like it is spinning but zero oil pressure. Uh, oh.
Replaced the plugs (but no plug leads) and cranked again. Thank God - the oil
pressure shot up.
Replaced the fan belt, tightened the alternator, hooked up the spark plug
leads. I'm sitting there ready to turn the key for real but I can't do it.
After a full minute I say to hell with it and turn it on. It fires first time
and the oil pressure shoots up to 70 psi. Wow!
I let it idle a while until I can push in the choke. I'm dead tired, hungry,
covered in dirty oil and permatex but I go for a drive around the block topless
- twice - a total of 18 miles in freezing cold.
After she warmed up, the pressure dropped to 60 psi at 3000 rpm and down to 22
idling at 1000 rpm - I'm ecstatic. Not only that but the horrible clunk/jolt
has gone!!
Drive back home to a sandwich, the easy chair and a big glass of India Pale
Ale. Live is good!
Many thanks for everybody's help on this.
Regards, Adrian 1500 Midget