> How the #$%^& does one get the new clips on to the back of the rear brake
> cylinder?????
What I do is to pull the roll-pin out and tap the hole for either 10-32 or
12-32. A bolt there keeps the cylinder tight against the backing plate,
otherwise it allows the cylinder to lean out far enough to let the drum wear
a groove clear through the protective boots on the cylinders.
To put the e-clip on the cylinder, I use a pair of normal vice-grips clamped
to the axle flange so that the BACK of the top jaw holds the cylinder in
place. Then I remove the bleeder valve to get it out of the way. Finally I
attach the e-clip. Unlike normal e-clips, this one does NOT slide into
place. You are supposed to get one end of the clip into place (easy enough),
then use a large screwdriver to lever it OVER the top into place. It still
helps to have a couple spares, since they are easy to break.
David Lieb