I took listers' advice and got a 1972 Corvette brake light switch to
replace the stock Lucas unit on my 1967 Midget vintage race car. Seems it
often doesn't work because of long periods of not being used between races.
What have any of you done about the installation? It looks like the 'Vette
switch is both longer and larger in diameter than the Lucas one. Can it be
installed without removing the pedal box or do I have to remove it and
drill out the threaded hole? What about the considerably longer overall
length? Does it interfere with the inner fender outside the pedal box or
the pedal itself inside the box?
I would be interested in hearing about the best way to install the switch.
Bob Spruck
Sharpsburg, GA
67 Midget Vintage Racer
72 Midget Street and Show
6 parts/project cars