one of my passions is certifying vintage race cars. info on a pink & black
100M has come across my desk & some very valuable info is missing. the car
came to america delivered to an austin Tx. dealer. an ad in "motor racing"
aug. 1957 lists this specific car for sale by "bob evans" presumably a
california healey distributor for 2,950.00. from that date to 1976 the car's
history is lost. anyone have any info on this car?
now why am i seeking this? the car allegedly came to america and was raced by
the "then" head of austin competition manager roy jackson-moore in some
california events. an entry /program sheet shows that person driving a 100M at
santa barbra sept 1-2 1956 coming in 7th (car #25) in a 24 car field. i'm
trying to collect enough info to tie this specific car chassis# BN2L 228616 to
the current owner if fairfield va.
anyone with any input would be greatly recieved!
thank you all!
Charles Christ
EarthLink Revolves Around You.