Oh, yeah Frank!
Just let me touch bases with my employer &
I'll just jump right in there and drive my
Frogeye a couple of thousand miles and
no reason to stop except for fuel, coffee and a pi$$....hell, we can drive
straight through....no reason to shut the little
buggers off at all!! :):)
And no reason for any sleep when we get
there, either. We'll just jump right in. And
I don't wanna see anyone eating or drinking 'til we get Buster's car up and
running...and painted, too!
Then we get five minutes for a burger and
brew before driving home....again, straight
through...no breaks 'cept for coffee..."in"
and "out"....that's it.
By that time, we should be in worse shape
than Buster. We'll "go down" as he
"recovers" and then he can drive out and do our cars while we "recover".
Sounds like an effing great plan!!! :)
Cap'n. Bob '60 :{)