I keep the following in my midget year round:
Gloves, earmuffs, hat, scarf, earplugs, sunblock, sunglasses, aspirn and
PLUS all the usual roadside emergency stuff.
> On Monday, I laid in my dermatologists chair for three hours while he
> removed successive layers of a Basal cell carcinoma from the left side
> of my snotlocker. As his assistant went back and forth to the lab to
> see if he had removed it all, we got to talking.
> When I told the skin doc I had owned my Sprite for over 45 years, he
> exclaimed, "Ah, THAT is the reason." He explained that the continued
> exposure to the sun while driving had probably led to the skin cancer.
> "You really should have been using a sun block all these years. If you
> had, you probably would not be here." I had to explain to him that for
> most of those years, sun block as we know it today did not exist.
> (Although I remember lifeguards smearing white stuff on there noses.)
> Anyway, he asked that I caution everyone driving a convertible,
> expecially those of English and Northern European stock, to always wear
> a good sun block or face the same consequences in the years to come.
> Message delivered.
> Buster Evans