b-evans@earthlink.net wrote:
>Wm. Severin Thompson wrote:
>>It's not like we have many choices either.
>But there are choices.
> Want quality power tool? How about Milwaukee?
Made in Korea and lasts about 365 days if you use it.
>Most Americans will be satisfied with Harbor Freak. Want
>properly graded lumber? Go to Ganhal in Southern California.
Here it's Lynn Ladder
> Want a quality lawn mower? Get a Snapper.
WHAT! with it's mexican made Briggs and stratton engine. Never again!
I bought a USA made (out of japanese parts) honduh mower
I learned how to save myself all the frustration and agravation with
cheap goods.
I now just buy them and throw them in the dumpster behind the store
where I bought them.
This saves the trouble of getting it home, reading 9 pages of safty
measures before you plug it in only to have it smoke the first time you
use it.
My daughter in law caleed me to tell me the instructions with her new
hair dryer said "Do Not Use While Sleeping" Are we that friggin stupid
of a society?
20 years ago I kept saying that we are rasing a country full of whimps
with no common sense.
Well we accomplished this. We should be proud! If I cut my fingers off
with a new saw, it's Milwaukee's fault. Or is it the power company's
fault? Whomever, I know it's not MY fault.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ