Hoss, played by Dan Blocker, was a character on the old TV show Bonanza.
Since Blocker has been dead since about 1972, the statement that he "amuses
himself by pulling or pushing Sprites around the shop" makes me think that
someone should get in touch a publicist or producer or something. This has
gotta be bigger than the Virgin Mary-in-a-grilled-cheese-sandwich" thing
that got so much news a few months ago.
----- Original Message -----
From "Bud Osbourne" <abcoz at hky.com>
> Is Hoss a cat, a dog, a rat, or a python? With this group, nothing would
> surprise me too much ;)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wm. Severin Thompson [mailto:wsthompson@thicko.com]
> Hoss amuses himself by pulling or pushing Sprites around the shop....