> I'd love to be able to do the things I did at
> 20 and 40. Thing is, I know if I do them I'll
> get older, faster.
Loosely worded quote from Bill McKenna (whothehellever he is!):
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of
arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece,
but to slide across the finish line sideways, worn out,
thoroughly used up, leaking oil and screaming, GERONIMO"!
My current 60 year old physical afflictions aside, I rode
a motorcycle to Prudoe Bay and back last year (12,000
miles), I've flown airplanes, raced cars and motorcycles,
played pro hockey, fought in a war, been married 3 times,
and done everything else I could think of in life with only
a few exceptions. And that's because the opportunity
has yet to present itself. I don't regret a second of it.
It's been a terrific ride - the greatest race of all!
I want to die like my Uncle did - in his sleep. Not screaming
like all the passengers on his bus! ;-)
So, no way do I back off now! Call me stupid if you will,
but there are still a few more things in life I'm gonna get done
before I go to the big grease pit in the sky (*IF* they'll
take me!!). No sense preserving what's already damaged
and falling apart!
It's a simple philosophy of life thing, Cap'n. Either you
step back and try to preserve what you have left, or
you "press on regardless". I'm the latter, you're the
former. You aren't all wrong, nor am I.
Still, I hope you come out to Flounder's place for a summer
SOS. We need to tip a glass and talk a bit.
Oh.... And you can bring the blonde's younger sister
along if you want.... ;-)
Jim - now more determined than ever to drive the Midget to Flounder's place.
Not to prove anything, just to have one more $hit eating grin when
stick me in the ground!