Hey Mr. PH.D...it's all a matter of extent....
there is adequate and better than adequate
or good cooling and better cooling. Same
goes for you Mr. Frankster.
Look...I love you guys (not sexually) but I
really gotta go with the experts (Vizard?)
on this one...logically speaking that is.
You think all the manufacturer's upgrades
over the years in terms of alum. pumps,
deep impellor pumps, multi-bladed fans, than plastic mult-bladed that flattened
somewhat at speed so the blades could
be situated with a higher angle of attack
(more airflow at lower forward speeds)
were for the helluvit, given the relatively
tiny capacity of the cooling system to begin with? Not to mention the amount of
exposed airflow given the grille and
radiator area/capacity to begin with??
You don't think adding a little capacity to
the system by keeping the heater in the
circuit during the summer could be anything but helpful in this respect? Even
when it contains yet another "heat
exchanger" and cannot help but allow
more than just adequate circulation at
the rear of the motor???
Really??? Blown head gasket? What's
that!!!? (copper gasket notwithstanding....
though I am a firm believer in the latest composite types, as well:).
How many times every year do we hear
about summer "cooling" problems?? And most always from the "newbies"??? And
invariably they are running around with
their heater taps shut off (among other
problems to be sure).
THAT'S IT!!! This is SO obvious I can't go
on any more. I can't.....I WON'T!!!
Besides, Ann Coulter is on the O'Reilly
Factor and I missed her on the earlier
shows. I got a thing for Ann....thin, blonde,
always smiling, cute, smart, superior-sarcastic NYC attitude...always ready to
joke around...my kinda chick for sure.
C'ya! :)
Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog