An unbelievably nice day in Dayton yesterday for Feb 15. 68 degrees and sunny,
blue skies and I decided to take a mental health break from work and blew off
yesterday afternoon. Bugsy started right up, I added air to all tires and we
went out to blow some rust off. I managed to put 85 miles on Bugsy yesterday
and he ran like a top. All systems working after the winter respite. An
unbelievable amount of fun driving back country roads yesterday. All of you
East Coasters get ready for a fabulous day today. Cap'n Bob BE better make it
out from under the covers today. We'll expect a complete report.
Forecast for today, snow showers and temps to 15 on Saturday morning. Come on
calendar, get a move on it.
Jim Gruber
Bugsy '68 Sprite (future Bugeye in disguise)
Cincinnati, OH
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