> One suggestion though. If you contact the ebay seller that offered the
> intensely modified yellow MGA awhile back, maybe he would write a an
> article like "How to destroy a perfectly good MGA", "20 Lessons I
> Learned Along the Way to Teaching Myself To Do Bodywork", or possibly
> "Automotive Design: What Is It?". :-D
Or maybe the simple article on "What NOT to Do to Your MGA" ...
In Rockford, Illinois there is a "Time Museum" which has lots of stuff,
including displays of period household junk from each decade. In the display
for the 1920's, there is a package of compressed grapes (I suppose it is
really just the packaging...). The interesting thing about this package is
that it came with detailed instructions of what you MUST NOT do lest you
inadvertantly end up with wine... right down to how much sugar not to add,
how long not to let it sit, etc. After all, Prohibition was a serious
David Lieb
1972 RWA Midget