I shoot custom motorcycles for a part time income. I have a booth and all
the guns (SATA, etc) plus Iwata air brushes, pin striping brushes and equipment.
BUT - I only shoot base coat clear coat jobs and I use House of Kolor /
Valspar products. When doing multiple layers and flames you have to get
with inner coat clears (SG100) and final clears UC35 and all of the processes
involved with a custom final finish.
I plan to shoot my Bugeye Olde English White, by myself, one stage job. I'll
be using a SATA 1.4.
I was not aware that you could sand out dust from a single stage paint job
without getting blend marks. This is great news to me. Again, I am totally a
dunce when it comes to single stage painting!
What grit paper do you use - or "grits" when you are doing this and how hard
is it to blend the coats together (when getting rid of the small dust)? Of
course with a clear coat - as you said, there is a lot of forgiveness when
dealing with small dust particles that get in the way. I have always thought
with a single stage job, you were pretty much stuck with what gets into the
Thanks for any further info that you can provide!
Kirk Hargreaves
Vacaville CA
'59 Bugeye currently with a terrible yellow paint job.