Part of the continuing saga of Midget that I got in exchange for the Trailer
Maiden Bugeye, this winter.
Charlie Sheldon had put me in touch with a guy who first wanted to buy my red
bugeye, but now another trade (for a Mini) may in the works.
David Oliner
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From SDOliner at
Full-name: SDOliner
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 23:47:25 EDT
Subject: Re: your BE
Thanks for the interest
We have been going back and forth on a proposed trade of his tricked out Mini
Cooper for my Bugeye and me throwing in a few a bucks. Orginally it was going
to be the Bug and your Midget for his Mini, then he told me he didn't have
space for the Midget. Also originally his Mini was "perfect" but now I am
hearing about a few little problems. I have been sorting out these with Paul A.
list and think I can handle it. Neither of have looked at each others cars
yet, but will probably happen this week. I would really like that Mini to
Meanwhile, really good friends were up this weekend. He had a Bugeye in
college and told me how underpowered it was and how he blew the engine in it.
guy drives like an idiot. He has an Audi A8 (which if you don't the car is
basically a four wheel drive rocket ship). He once told me that after he put on
his brakes, he checking the rear mirror to make sure he doesn't get rear ended
(again). I really didn't grasp what he was saying until he was going 60, came
as close as you can to locking wheels with ABS, and cut off two lanes of
traffic to get in an exit ramp on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Anyway knowing what an idiot he is, I wouldn't let him drive the Bugeye, but
did go out for a ride in the Midget, which I assured him had the same (well
almost) engine as the Bugeye. Cautioned him on the non synchro first. he said
problem He like to double clutch in all gears. His idea of double clutching
was redlining the car, put it in nuetral, poping the clutch, redilining the car
again, the then down shifting to find the real red line. All of this time I
am thinking, where hell the grab handle on this car? Came back shaking, I never
saw someone thrash away at a car so badly. He was grinning from ear to ear.
Next morning it is time to make a newspaper run, and I suggest that his wife,
(who is English) drive with me in the Midget. They were like the ying and the
yang of driving. She is just crusing and having a great time. Now she is my
wife's best friend and knows how pissed the wife gets at all of these cars. So
she tells me, listen after Ben (our son) uses the Midget next school year, she
will buy it from me and give it to hubby for his birthday present and give my
wife a present by having me get rid of one more car. So I guess the midget is
a hit.
So how is your Bugeye coming?