Bob, you disappoint me.
Those comments sound like "Rush Limbaugh"-"Sean Hannity" neo-con-based
rhetoric that doesn't serve much purpose other than to be inflammatory
and deflect discussion from the facts and the issues.
Beyond that, the second part of your statement is actually the reverse
of reality. We are being overworked attempting to bring civility to a
conflict started w/o proper understanding of the culture or the society,
which is what got us into trouble in the mideast in the first place.
It's amazing that no one in EITHER party dares to speak about the reason
parts of the Arab work hate us so much: the United States' blind support
of Israel, both politically and militarily.
jay fishbein
wallingford, ct <>
Robert E. Shlafer wrote:
>But worse yet, Big Bob....
>If Kerry prevails (which he will not, IMHO), we'll be fighting Muslim
>over here, rather than over there! At least
>Bush seems to know how to keep them
>busy so as to limit their presence (so far,
>knock on wood) up to this point in time,