Hello Robert,
i have a 1098 with SU's that did almost exactly the same thing
you describe.... it would idle fine, would rev easily without
load, would even drive to the end of the block ok, but when i
tried to go up the hill it had NO POWER, and would start
loosing power........ on mine it turned out to be a coil that
was too strong and burning out the points... after 3 sets in 15
miles i figured it out... ... i suspect (but then i AN an
electrician) something in the crane system... .. timing,
advance, spark? ... not carb problems.....
but then as they say, 90% of electrical problems in an engine
are fuel related and 90% of fuel problems are electrical...
good luck... keep us posted as to the solution.. we KNOW you'll
(we'll?) get it figured out.
Best regards,
Bill mailto:pythias@pacifier.com
"66 Sprite