> Anton...
> Good show!
> 1. New Cap...at this point the old one is
> "damaged".
No problemo.
> 2. Define "alive" (or...as Bill Clinton asks..
> "what is the meaning of the word 'is"?)
Well, it just seems to be shaking around a lot. But then the engine as a
whole is vibrating quite a bit, and obviously the dizzy is attached to the
engine (oh yes, I got that bit right!).
> 3. Under specifically what operational
> circumstances did the power interruption
> occur. Around a tight corner at speed,
> mayhap?
It's fairly random. Driving along, all good, then judder judder, oh crap
where's the power, judder, slow, crawl, stop. It then starts again with a
bit of choke. Current plan of attack is:1. Change the plugs. Investigation
revealed that the plugs in situ were
NGK BP6E, meant for the Midget 1275, whatever that is, I assume it's an
inferior car <wink>, rather than the BP5E that the 1500 should take.
Don't know how much difference it will make, but it seems logical that
there might be a difference otherwise the 1275 and 1500 would use the same
plugs.2. Check the filter in the fuel pump for gunge.
3. Clean and tune the carbs.
4. Weep.