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Re: Rear Brake Circlips

To: <midgetsprite@yahoogroups.com>, <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Rear Brake Circlips
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 20:07:53 -0800
Auth-sender: cbking@alum.rpi.edu
Thread-index: AcQFjBiafEkGgHt3SwqXjflal+sBbg==
Thread-topic: Rear Brake Circlips
My Bentley manual for the 1500 shows the circlip (the kind with 2 holes
for circlip pliers) and the washer as original. The washer actually is
slightly cone shaped to ensure a tight fit between the circlip and the
groove in the wheel cylinder.
When I disassembled my rear axle, I had one of each as well. I tossed
the e-rings, and put on circlips.

Chris King 

 <-----Original Message----->

                 From: bill b.
Sent: 3/8/2004 6:54:38 PM
To: midgetsprite@yahoogroups.com;spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Rear Brake Circlips 

The PO had used the 
same type of circlip provided with the new cylinders 
on the one side, but used a flexible washer and 
another type of circlip (the kind with a hole in each 
end that is normally associated with inside type 


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