You might do a websearch on Pierce
Manifolds and contact the firm for their
original settings for your application.
Matter of fact www.PierceManifolds.com
should get you started.
Picking up Haynes manuals on Weber
carbs. (make sure DVG in included)
will go a long way in educating your
goodself in these respects. As a matter
of fact, pick up whatever other manuals
Pierce may recommend or have as well.
Very often for the DVG there are two
kits available though I do not know
whether this will apply to the 1500,
but I think it does. One will have a
water or otherwise "heated" manifold
and the other will not. The richness of
the setting(s) will be different
between the two due to fuel vaporization/
atomization characteristics at different
(induction) temperatures.
Going back to the original settings for
the application should give you a good
basic start is this operation. You may
find that's all you really need to do
(depending upon the tune or health
of your motor) for satisfactory
operation! :)
Cap'n. Bob
'60 :{)