the problem with replying only to the sender is that great chunks of
discusions go missing. Someone asks a question on the list, which I too am
interested in seeing an answer to. If replies are sent only to the
originator then we miss out on useful info and, often a bit of light-hearted
banter too.
I think the solution is to reply to the list, but to select out individuals'
names so that they don't get a list message plus a duplicate.
----- Original Message -----
From "Jay Fishbein" <type79 at ix.netcom.com>
> Last evening I posted a polite request that Bob use the REPLY rather
> than REPLY ALL button on his posts. I posted it to the list rather than
> directly to Bob because it is polite and helpful for everyone to do that
> and I thought other listers unfamiliar with the difference my appreciate
> the note. It's just basic internet etiquette.