One of the associates of the Rick Webmaster, ask me to cut ad paste this to
the list. Apparently our webmaster has been tweaking his JestEd filters.
Below is a note I tried to post as webmasterrick.............<G> with the
Subjuect =
Re: Spridgets Ski Outing?
Did NOT go thru (even tho I just did a "which" command that says
webmasterrick IS subscribed?!?!?
Would you please do some copy/paste work??? Think it's
Happy Holiday and Congrat on deal w/Charlie!!!!
Ed says:
<<Last years rally was actually a 2 day event for those who wanted to stay
for Sunday, (rally on Sat and group drive on Sunday). We have been
thinking of making it a three day event this year, but were not sure if
there was enough interest. We were thinking Friday, Saturday and Sunday
with the Rally on Saturday.>>
Sounds like a PLAN!!!!
It light of this discussion (and what is below), I am making a "command"
<<Kathy fell in love with the bag!! She said she isn't helping with the
rally route this year, (just so she can participate in the rally to win
that bag!!!).>>
I hereby "award" Kathy a bag for all past & "future" labors!!!!!!!
I will send you a couple of other things to "re-place"!
To ALL, very Happy Holidays!!!!
Ditto from me,