> Do you have a digital camera, to take photos of key areas, then the problem
> can
> actually be "seen"
> "Michel R. Gagne" wrote:
>> Good morning!
>> Last night I disconnected the jets from the choke assembly and it wasn9t any
>> better. They were all in their proper places and orientations (like I said
>> earlier they move smoothly just too damn stiffly). I squirted some WD-40 in
>> there to lubricate a bit and kept working it, and it travels a bit more
>> easily and can be engaged from the cockpit.
>> The stiffness we traced to the spring area on both carbs. How many winds
>> does that circular choke return spring normally have? I have 4 winds and
>> the ends seem to be connected to the proper places. I didn9t take apart the
>> mechanism that holds that spring together so there could be something in
>> there gumming it up also. I guess I9ll take that apart tonight and make
>> sure that all is OK in there. Any more ideas?
>> Cheers,
>> Mike Gagne
>> 74 Midge
>> Twin HS2s, 1275
Brad, and other santa helpers
I have taken a few pics of the patient. My camera doesn't take very good
close ups so they are a bit fuzzier than ideal. Let me know if you would
like to look them over and I'll send them along.