I'd love to give chuck, or any of you, a tour of this place. HOWEVER, since
9/11 they haven't allowed any visitors to this place. We can't even bring
our own spouses or even kids. It h has gotten a bit rediculous. We have
couples that work here, and if they work different shifts they can't even
swap kids in the parking lot. We all know how dangerous those 6 month old
kids are!!
Yes, Capn, we do make daily andtually each shift make a run out for coffee
and Donuts, usually Boxes of Dunkin or even Krispy Kreme coffee and a few
donuts. We have some machosists here that like that Starmegabucks burnt
stuff they call coffee. I'll meet ya outside the gate with some tho!! ;-)
Brian S.
Bugeye under resto
>Heh, heh...
>Suggest making a car cover out of the old
>racing suit or......take it to a tailor and have two "new Chuck" racing
>suits made.
>Remember talking to Brian about his (Dad's) BE when we met him for a
>tour of the NY "Common I" a couple of years
>ago. Not to cause a problem but you should exact such a tour as at least
>part- payment for work done on his car (Brian
>will kill me for this!) but it is damn
>interesting, most especially considering
>your aviation experience/background.
>You'd have a ball. You want to get there
>early for fresh donuts!!
>Cap'n. Bob
> '60 :{)
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