"As benevolent dictator of Team Thicko, I am allowed to take credit for
nearly (note the word "nearly" everything.... and should the emperor have no
clothes, tis not your place to point it out."
Credit be where credit is due, you have ALL of the right taking credit for
the organization, and making this happen, I take my hat off to you, and let
you know that you gained respect from me for this event.
I know what it takes to do what you AND Peter did, and loved it.
But when you say to all involved, and the ones not involved, that you and
frank were the only 2 willing to "lift" that sucks, ANYONE at that event,
anyone, that could lend a hand did, all anyone had to do was ask, and they
had more hands than they needed.
true, technical stuff, I have no idea most times, and Im the first to admit
it, but when labor is needed Im the first one there.
"Willy, you're gonna have to learn to relax a little"
yes maybe,
maybe I get fired up too easy, Ill admit it, always has been a fault of
mine, has got me into a few spots, but when right is right, I call it like I
see it.
So when so many people put so much into something, and it is said to be the
work of 2 people. sitting quietly idle don't work. Emperor, dictator, or
benevolent, I will give you credit where its due, and if you see this as
taking away the emperors clothes, rather than trying to give credit to ALL
that helped,, well. nuf said.